diva, drag, pride

The Ultimate Guide to Drag Queens Makeup

The Ultimate Guide to Drag Queens Makeup

Are you interested in becoming a fabulous drag queen? Do you yearn to master artfully applied makeup, fierce wigs, and flamboyant costumes that will make you stand out from the crowd? Then look no further! This article will be your ultimate guide to mastering drag queen makeup.

You’ll find tips and hacks to help you transform into the look of your dreams; including step-by-step tutorials on how to apply foundation and contour your face, advice on choosing the right eyeshadow and eyeliner, and pointers for voluminous false lashes, and so much more.

Get ready for a complete transformation as we delve into this wonderful world of drag makeup!

Prep Your Skin

soap, bristle, natural brush

Getting your skin ready for a drag makeup routine is essential to achieve an impeccable and long-lasting look. Before you start your makeup journey, it’s important to shave off any facial hair or strays that may be on your skin. This will give you a silky smooth base to work with, making blending and contouring easier.

A comprehensive skincare routine should also be followed before applying the makeup. This includes cleansing and moisturizing the skin like scrubbing away dirt, oil and other impurities – opening up pores so the moisturizer can do its job of hydrating the skin while creating a canvas for your masterpiece! It’s crucial to follow this routine in order for your makeup look to last all night long.

Cleanse and Moisturize

Cleansing and moisturizing are essential for any drag queen’s makeup routine. Depending on your skin type, you should choose a cleanser that removes dirt, oil and other impurities without irritating or drying out the skin. After cleansing, apply a moisturizer tailored to your individual needs – it helps keep the skin hydrated and provides an ideal base layer for makeup application. For those with drier skin, opt for a thicker hydrating moisturizer to ensure maximum hydration.

Prime the Skin

Primers are an essential part of any drag queen’s toolkit, like a painter’s canvas – they provide the perfect base for makeup to stick. From mattifying to hydrating and color-correcting, there are plenty of primers out there that can cater to your skin type. When applying primer, make sure you cover all the key areas – forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and upper lip – with gentle circular motions. Let it settle in for a few minutes before adding any other products; this will ensure your look stays put all night long! Primers also help even out discoloration or texture on the face so you can achieve an airbrushed finish. So don’t forget: primers are an important step in creating a flawless look!

Cover Your Brows

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Covering your brows is a must-have for any drag queen looking to create a flawless makeup look. From full coverage foundation and glue sticks, to other makeup products, there are plenty of options available.

Using a glue stick is key – it’s like painting the perfect canvas! Start by gluing down the edges of your eyebrows, then work your way inward until you have created an even line that won’t smudge onto any other parts of your face. For an extra smooth finish, use a contour brush to blend the glue stick further.

Shaving off your brows? Now that’s taking things up a notch! But be careful – this can be tricky and time-consuming if not done correctly.

By following these tips, you’ll soon master the art of covering your brows and creating unique looks with ease!

Apply The Best Drag Queen Foundation

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Drag queen makeup has been totally transformed by the overlining craze that Kim Kardashian made famous. To get a perfect base, Dermacol provides some great tools like make-up sponges and foundation brushes for buffing it into your skin to create an even surface. Don’t forget those parts of your face and body that are often overlooked when applying foundation – neck, collarbone, ears, temples – they all need coverage too! Start with a thick layer of foundation then use either a sponge or brush to blend it in. Pick the shade closest to your natural tone, but if you want extra coverage go one shade darker.

For more drama, drag queens usually opt for contouring and full coverage foundations. Shade the forehead, cheeks and chin then darken up the center of your face including nose and cheekbones using lighter shades on outer edges and darker ones in the middle. Make sure you blend well so there’s no harsh lines or uneven finish! Finally don’t forget makeup tips, tricks & techniques to help you achieve perfection – best makeup brushes & blending until desired effect is achieved!

Highlight and Conceal

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Highlighting and concealing are like the icing on a cake for creating that perfect drag makeup look. They can help to cover up imperfections, brighten up the face and give it an extra dimension. When crafting your drag look, it’s important to use the right products and techniques to make sure you get that flawless finish.

The first step in highlighting and concealing is like painting a canvas – using complementary colors of orange to cancel out the blue undertones of the 5 o’clock shadow will help create a more natural look. Start by applying foundation all over your face as if you were spreading butter on toast, then use a concealer shade that matches your skin colour to camouflage any blemishes or discolouration – think of it as putting on camouflage paint!


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When it comes to creating a perfect look, highlighting is the key. A beauty powder pearl can be used to create a glowing effect – like sprinkling fairy dust on your face – and should be applied with a powder puff in the center of the forehead, bridge of the nose, cheeks, and cupid’s bow. Blush brings life to your face by adding color and shape when brushed onto the apples of your cheeks and up towards the brow.

Highlighting also draws attention to facial features by bringing light to the middle of your face using lighter colors or white for areas such as brow bone, inner corner of eyes, and the highest part of the eye below brow. When applying liquid highlight, use a makeup sponge or brush for an effortless “swoosh” that will give you natural looking results.


Concealing is an essential part of crafting a perfect drag look. To achieve this, you’ll need concealers, color correctors and setting powders. Concealers should be used to cover up dark circles and facial hair while color correctors can help cancel out any discoloration or redness. Setting powder will keep the concealer in place for longer.

To get that natural finish, blend your products into the skin with a brush or makeup sponge – not just on top of it! Make sure to extend the product onto your neck and jawline too for an even result.

Highlighting and concealing can bring light to your face, hide imperfections and add depth – all key elements in creating a show-stopping look! With the right tools and techniques, you’ll have everyone’s eyes on you in no time.

Chisel Out Your Face

cosmetics, makeup, foundation

Contouring is an essential part of drag makeup. It helps to create a chiseled, defined look and enhance features while still maintaining a natural look. Contouring can be used to shape the face and emphasize certain features. For drag queens, contouring can help create a more polished and striking look.

To contour the forehead, use a brush to blend a contour powder that is two shades darker than your skin tone from temple to temple. The same brush can be used to contour the nose, starting under the bridge and blending out and up to create the illusion of a smaller nose. To create a sharper jawline, use a contour powder and brush to sweep the product upward from underneath the chin. Bronzing the face is also important for drag queens. Using a bronzer two shades darker than your natural skin tone, apply the product in a circular motion to the cheeks, forehead, and chin. Rubbing the oil into your face first can help you find the best bronzer for your skin.

Contouring the lips is essential for creating the look of a fuller lip. Start at the center of the cupid’s bow and use a contour powder and brush to draw a line along the cupid’s bow and down the sides of the lips. Use the same brush to blend the powder outward. It is important to identify what works best for your own, unique skin and makeup. Doing so will make sure you look your best. Take some oil and rub it all over your face. Then take a tissue or cotton ball to wipe the oil off. This will help you find the best contour product for your skin tone.

In conclusion, contouring is an important part of any drag queen’s makeup routine. It helps to create a defined look and enhance features while still maintaining a natural look. With the right makeup techniques and brushes, drag queens can use contouring to create a polished, striking look.

Fill in Your Brows

make-up, eyelash, eyebrow

Filling in your brows is a crucial part of any drag queen makeup look – it’s like the frame around a masterpiece. To get that perfect arch, you’ll need some tools: an angled brush and eyeshadow in the same color as your hair. Start by drawing two lines for each brow, then use concealer to emphasize their shape. You can either go bold with dramatic re-drawing or opt for a softer approach with filling them in – just make sure to blend! With practice and the right tools, you’ll be able to create stunningly beautiful brows for your drag queen look.

Apply Your Drag Queen Eye Makeup

diva, drag, pride

When it comes to crafting a captivating drag queen look, eye makeup is the star of the show. It’s an art form with endless possibilities – from vibrant colors and shimmery textures to daring techniques. Drag queens use all kinds of cosmetics, from traditional makeup to professional theatrical products, to create their stunning looks. But before any other application, it’s essential that you start with your eyes for a truly glamorous finish.


art, beauty, eye

When it comes to creating a stunning eye makeup look, cutting the crease and adding a second wing is one of the most popular techniques used by drag queens. This involves applying concealer to the inner portion of the eye without setting it before adding shadow – this helps create an even more defined shape for your eyeshadow and makes them appear larger and more dramatic.

To add further dimension, you can use eyeshadow to create a gradation from light to dark from inner corner to outer corner – start with a light shade on the inner corner, then move onto mid-tone brown or bronze in the middle, finishing off with darker shades on the outer corners. To really make your look stand out, try creating a second wing that extends out of your lower lash line and blending it with eyeshadow using a pencil brush!

When transitioning between crease and brow-bone highlight, opt for either mid-tone brown or bronze depending on what color palette you’re going for. Finally, don’t forget about those darkest shadows in both corners – apply carefully for best results!


makeup, beauty, female

To make the eyes look larger from a distance, drag queens often apply white eyeliner to the lower waterline, extending into the inner corner, creating an inverted triangle shape. To achieve the perfect winged eyeliner look, a gel product and brush should be used to outline the shape of the wing. This can then be filled in with a liquid eyeliner.

Alterations to the shape of the eyes can be made with makeup by drawing in a cut crease higher above the natural eye crease for a dramatic effect. To create a cut crease, lightly draw in the general shape of the cut crease using dark eyeshadow on a brush and then redefine it with more eyeshadow, blending out the eyeshadow without blending below the line of the new crease.


cosmetics, make up, beauty

When it comes to mascara, drag queens have a range of products to choose from in order to create a dramatic look. Traditional mascara can be used to create a bold, full-lash look. There are also a range of mascaras available in different colors, sparkles, and glitters that can be used to add a touch of fun and glamour to an eye makeup look.

To apply mascara, the wand should be used to coat the upper and lower lashes, combing through to separate them and make them stand out. A second coat can be added if desired, as well as faux lashes for an even more dramatic look.

Wing Out Your Liner

fashion, people, artist

Wing out your liner for a classic drag queen look. To achieve a straight line with your eyeliner, you can use cosmetic tape or scotch tape. Add a piece of tape at an angled line to both eyes, creating a stencil for drawing on eyeliner. To create the classic drag makeup wing, draw a line from the area closest to the lash line to the outer corner and beyond, slightly upturned towards the brow. Finish drawing liner on the area above the lash line and connect it with the highest part of the eyeliner.

Hacks to make it easier to get a crisp straight line when winging out eyeliner include using cosmetic tape or scotch tape at an angled line on both eyes, creating a stencil for drawing on eyeliner. The shape of the wing should be upturned towards the brow, creating a nice wing shape.

For a more dramatic look, you can draw a thicker line with your eyeliner and extend it further out from the corner of your eyes. For a subtle look, use a thin line and draw it close to the lash line. You can also play around with different shapes to find what works best for you.

To finish off your look, use an eyeshadow brush to blend the line and soften the edges. This will help create a seamless look and make sure the liner doesn’t look too harsh. Remember, practice makes perfect! With a bit of patience, you’ll be able to master the art of winging out your liner.

Finish the Lashes

woman, girl, makeup

For the perfect drag queen look, perfecting your lashes is a must. Curling them helps to open up the eyes and give a more dramatic effect – like unlocking the door to an enchanted castle. Once curled, it’s time to apply lash glue and false eyelashes along the upper lash line – starting from the outer corner of your eye and working inwards. To add extra dimension, apply false lashes along the lower lash line at the inner corner of your eye too. When applying makeup for a drag queen look, remember that stage lights can make or break it – so adding false lashes on both lines will help create a show-stopping look! Blend eyeliner and mascara together seamlessly for an even finish. Follow these tips and this tutorial for achieving ultimate glamour with ease!

Add Falsies

eye, blue, false lashes

Adding false lashes to a drag queen makeup look is an absolute must for creating a show-stopping, impactful look. To apply them correctly, wait until the lash glue has dried down before application – you can test this by flicking the lash back and forth in the air. Then place it along your upper lash line starting from the center of your eye and working outward, following its natural shape. Once all lashes are in place, use a small brush to blend them into your natural ones so they appear connected.

This step is essential for taking your drag queen makeup game up a notch – like adding icing on top of an already delicious cake! With practice and patience, you can create a beautiful classic drag queen makeup look that will turn heads wherever you go.

Powder the Face

make up, powder, cosmetics

Baking is an essential part of drag makeup, like a chef in the kitchen. It helps to solidify and stamp your look into place, so that color stays put. Apply a generous amount of fixing powder under your eyes for protection against smudging – then use a light dusting of another powder to set contours. When setting primer, be sure not to overdo it with too much product!

Baking is all about having fun and mastering your artistry – take time to follow tutorials and practice until you’ve perfected the technique. With baking, you can ensure that your makeup looks flawless throughout performances and gives you confidence on stage. Put on a light layer of powder first, then add thicker layers around forehead, nose, chin cheekbones and outer corner of eye makeup; blend with a puff or brush before brushing off any excess product.

Once you have mastered baking as part of your drag routine, you’ll be ready to take on the world with full face glamour! So don’t forget: when it comes to baking in drag makeup – practice makes perfect!

Choose a Lip Color

woman, girl, model

One of the oldest drag queen makeup secrets is overlining the lips – a trick that creates the illusion of fuller, more feminine pouts. According to Drag Race contestant Gottmik, the closer your lip line is to your nose, the more girly you look. To get this effect just right, an orange creme product or lipstick should be used as a base.

To create an ombre effect on your lips, start by blending a white cream product into their center for a soft gradient look and extra fullness. Then use darker lipliner in the outer corners for added dimension and depth. Finally, add some liquid lip gloss to the middle of your lips for that perfect drag queen finish! With these tools at hand, you can craft a stunning lip look that will have heads turning!

Set the Face

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Setting spray is an absolute must for any drag queen look, a magical potion that will keep your makeup looking fresh and long-lasting under the bright stage lights. Dermacol Invisible Fixing Powder is a great product to have in your makeup bag – it can be used to glue eyebrows into place and set the face with a light dusting of loose powder. This powder will help minimize facial hair while also locking in foundation, shadow, blush, contour and lipstick throughout the night. To apply this finishing touch, use a powder brush to lightly dust the entire face – forehead, nose, cheeks, cupid’s bow and inner corner of eyes – creating a smooth canvas for the rest of your makeup. Then blend everything together with either a beauty blender or damp makeup sponge for an impeccable finish. With your face set and ready, you are now able to move onto the next step of drag makeup routine!

Finish the Look

diva, drag, pride

The finishing touches of a full drag queen face are the cherry on top. They take the look from good to great, and require an extra mile of blending for an airbrushed finish. To achieve this, use a makeup product specifically designed for blending – gently buffed in with either a sponge or brush in circular motions to diffuse the makeup evenly. Glitter can add sparkle and glam, but must be used sparingly – tap it on lightly and blend out with a brush so it’s not too overpowering. With these tips and tutorials, anyone can master the art of drag queen makeup! So go ahead, take your time with those finishing touches – make sure your makeup game is on point!

Blend the Extra Mile

diva, drag, pride

Blending drag makeup is like painting a masterpiece – it’s essential for creating a flawless and realistic look. Not only does it help the makeup blend naturally into your skin, but it also helps to create an even tone and texture that enhances the drag queen’s features. When blending, don’t forget to cover up any exposed areas of the body such as the neck – this will ensure that your makeup looks consistent from head to toe. To achieve an airbrushed finish, use a cosmetic sponge or beauty blender and lightly pat the product into the skin like you’re caring for a baby’s cheek. This will help everything blend seamlessly together for a natural, soft look.

When blending in your makeup, be sure to use some loose powder or setting powder afterwards; this will prevent creasing and make sure all of your hard work stays put all night long! To apply it evenly across your face, grab yourself a brush or sponge and gently dab in circular motions starting at the center of your face before working outwards towards those pesky edges around forehead, cheeks, nose chin and cheekbones – this way you’ll enhance all of those beautiful features while creating an even base too!

Taking extra time with blending can really pay off when trying to perfect that drag queen makeup look; by using powders to set everything in place plus brushes/sponges for seamless application you can customize each look according to individual style while ensuring its longevity throughout whatever event awaits!

Be Cautious with Glitters

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Glitters are a twinkling treat, but they can also be a total terror. If you’re going for an all-out drag queen makeup look, it’s easy to get tempted by the sparkle of glitter. However, it’s essential to take caution when using this shimmery stuff – if not applied correctly, it can quickly spread across your face and even into your eyes! To avoid any glitter catastrophes, use a shield like paper or a makeup guard to cover up areas where you don’t want the glitter to go wild.

When applying the glitter itself, try tapping instead of swiping – this will help keep everything in place and prevent any rogue particles from escaping. After that’s done, spritz on some setting spray so that your glamour stays put!

Glitter is great when used with care; just remember to take precautions before diving into its dazzling depths! With the right preparation and techniques, you’ll be able to enjoy all its sparkly glory without making a mess.

Tape Your Face

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One of the key elements for a flawless drag queen look? Taping the face. This step helps to create a polished and precise appearance that will stay put all night long. To ensure your skin is safe, use medical-grade micropore tape when applying it around the edges of your face. Make sure to press firmly against the skin so you get an even seal.

Once you’ve got this part down, you can move onto creating a full face drag makeup look with confidence knowing that your makeup won’t budge! With these tips and the right materials, you’ll be able to craft an amazing drag queen look that will last until morning.

Take it All Off

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Taking off your drag makeup is just as important as putting it on. It’s essential to use the right products to keep your skin healthy and comfortable, like oil-based removers for eyes and a mild cleanser plus moisturizing cream for the face. But in what order should you apply them?

First, start with the eyes – an oil-based remover or gentle eye makeup remover will ensure all traces of eye makeup are gone without staining your skin. Then move onto the face using a mild cleanser to remove foundation and any other remaining makeup. Finally, finish off with a nourishing moisturizing cream to hydrate your skin.

When it comes time to take off tape from your face, gently peel it away from one end before wiping away any residue left behind with a damp cloth – but be careful not to scrub too hard! Once all the tape is removed, slather on some more moisturizer so that delicate facial skin isn’t irritated.

Removing drag makeup can seem tedious at times, but trust us when we say it’s worth every second! By taking care of yourself now you’ll have beautiful and healthy skin later – so don’t forget this crucial step in your routine!


The Ultimate Guide to Drag Queen Makeup is a comprehensive guide that covers the essentials for creating a flawless and long-lasting drag makeup look. Starting with prepping and cleaning the skin, priming and covering up brows, achieving the perfect foundation look and camouflaging blemishes, setting the face with powder, and finally adding glitter and false lashes for a glamorous eye look.

Adhering to these steps and using the right makeup products can help any drag queen achieve the signature look they desire. Furthermore, being mindful of the overall makeup application and makeup removal process is also an important step in maintaining healthy skin and having a good makeup routine.

All in all, the tips and tricks in this guide are sure to inspire fabulous drag makeup looks for all.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the basics of drag makeup?

Drag makeup involves techniques to create a dramatic effect, such as concealing eyebrows and beard shadow, contouring and highlighting the face, and creating larger than life designs. Applying drag makeup requires skill and practice in making use of cosmetics to create bold visuals and exaggerate femininity or masculinity for entertainment purposes.

How to do drag queen eye makeup?

Don’t worry if you are just starting out with drag makeup—it can be easily accomplished with a few simple tips. Start by prepping your eyes with primer, apply an even and diffused transition shade, and then add some sparkle to your look with glitter or shimmery shades.

Finish the look off with defining your lash line and adding mascara for maximum impact. With just a few tips, you can master the art of drag queen eye makeup in no time!

How do drag queens keep their makeup on?

Understanding the importance of proper preparation and setting spray when it comes to makeup, drag queens use products like Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray to ensure that their looks remain intact throughout the day. With this product, they can keep up their long-lasting looks—even in sweat and mask proof situations.

Why is tayce called tayce?

Drawing on her creativity and real name, Tayce Szura-Radix created the drag persona ‘Tayce,’ serving as a nickname to better reflect the fun and flair of her performances.

As the name itself says, it reflects her bold, beautiful and pioneering spirit.


Georgia Willow

Georgia Willow

Hi there, I have been writing blogs for a couple of years now, focusing on lifestyle, health, travel and decoration.

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