10 Beauty Secrets of Bed Victoria’s Secret Models

10 Beauty Secrets of Bed Victoria’s Secret Models

Discover the beauty secrets of the world’s most acclaimed and desirable models – the Victoria’s Secret Angels. From their diet choices and skincare routines, to their exercise regimes and makeup hacks, we’ll uncover the best practices for achieving that timeless, stunning look.

Find out what tops the list of must-haves in the supermodel’s beauty bags and how they keep themselves looking fresh and fabulous. Get ready to take style notes from these influential women and be your own bombshell!

Skin Care Regimen—

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Having a regular skin care routine is essential for achieving beautiful, clear skin. That’s why Victoria’s Secret models are so passionate about maintaining their own regimen – and it shows! Here’s a look at what they do to keep their natural beauty looking its best.

To start, the models make sure to cleanse their skin daily. This helps remove impurities, dirt, and makeup that can cause breakouts and clog pores. They often use a gentle facial scrub to slough away dead skin cells and reveal a brighter complexion.

Next up? Moisturizing! Keeping your skin hydrated with light moisturizers creates a barrier against environmental stressors while avoiding greasy residue.

In addition to their daily routine, Victoria’s Secret models swear by weekly or monthly masks and exfoliators – treatments that boost radiance, draw out impurities, unclog pores… you name it!

Finally (and most importantly), the models protect their delicate complexions from sun damage with high-SPF sunscreen – helping prevent cancer as well as reducing signs of aging for an ever-youthful glow.

By following these steps religiously, Victoria’s Secret models maintain clear healthy skin – but how exactly do they keep their natural beauty looking its best?

Makeup Tips—

eye shadow, cosmetics, color palette

When it comes to makeup, Victoria’s Secret models are like magicians – they know all the tricks. They use products from some of the best brands available and focus on highlighting their best features with contouring, highlighting, and blending techniques. To achieve an even coverage and natural finish, they apply makeup with their fingers instead of brushes or sponges. For skin care, they use primers and foundations that suit their skin type.

For runway shows, VS models add a few extra touches for a glowing look – mixing lemon juice with foundation and using shimmery eyeshadows to make eyes stand out more. But above all else, it’s important not to overdo it; too much makeup can take away from their natural beauty so balance is key! With these tips in mind, you can get the same beautiful look as the VS models.

Hair Care—

hair care, cream, protection

For hair care, Victoria’s Secret models have a secret recipe of natural and salon-grade products. They use a mix of moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, oils, serums, and heat protection sprays to keep their hair healthy, nourished, and looking gorgeous. To add texture and volume to their looks, they often opt for bangs – just like Lily Aldridge who is known for her signature tousled waves achieved with the perfect combination of heat and product. And don’t forget to wash your hair in ice cold water to seal the cuticles! The models also take care of their skin and scalp by using products that prevent any buildup of product. Plus they use lightweight mousses or serums to maintain desired length & body while keeping it bouncy & healthy. Finally, these angels make sure they get plenty of sleep & relaxation which helps hydrate both skin & hair so it looks as beautiful as possible – just like them! In conclusion: The beauty secrets behind Victoria’s Secret models involve an array of natural & salon-grade products combined with proper techniques plus lots of restful sleep – follow these tips for voluminous locks worthy of an angel!

Diet & Exercise—

The diet and exercise routine of Victoria’s Secret models is a testament to their dedication to their job, health, and body. Eating right and exercising regularly are essential for promoting overall wellbeing. Whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables form the basis of a balanced diet that keeps energy levels up while regular physical activity reduces stress, improves sleep quality and increases muscle mass.

Victoria’s Secret models understand this importance – they walk 30 minutes daily and do strength training as well as HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts to stay in shape. By following their example, you too can achieve optimum health and wellness – so why not give it a try? A healthy lifestyle will help you look your best while feeling great!

Sleep & Relaxation—

Getting enough sleep and relaxation is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle – especially for Victoria’s Secret models, who must always look and feel their best. To achieve this, they have developed some sleep and relaxation habits to ensure that they get the rest they need and stay relaxed when needed.

Victoria’s Secret models typically have a consistent bedtime routine: turning off all electronics an hour before bed, taking a warm bath or shower to relax, and keeping their bedroom dark and quiet. They also aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to stay energized throughout the day.

To help them get to sleep and stay relaxed, Victoria’s Secret models use deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation techniques, guided imagery – even noise machines with soothing white noise! In the morning they may practice yoga or stretching too.

By following these sleep and relaxation habits, Victoria’s Secret models can look and feel their best – but anyone looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle can adapt these same practices!

Beauty Supplements—

Beauty supplements are a must-have for any Victoria’s Secret model looking to maintain their stunning looks. Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are essential for healthy skin and to make the most of heavy makeup, spray tans and more. Beauty supplements come in many forms – pills, powders or liquids – with natural ingredients like avocado and lemon also used to supplement diets.

Victoria’s Secret models use beauty supplements to enhance their glamorous look; they can improve the health of skin and hair while providing essential nutrients too. It is recommended that two or three capsules be taken daily for best results.

Beauty supplements are an important part of a Victoria’s Secret model’s routine; when combined with all the products they use, taking the right amount can help absorb all those vital nutrients needed for a sexy look. Eating well balanced meals alongside these supplements will ensure you get that same gorgeous glow as your favorite VS Angel!

Natural Beauty Treatments—

Victoria’s Secret models are the epitome of beauty, with healthy, glowing skin and lush, beautiful hair. To maintain such a look, many of them opt for natural beauty treatments – but why? Natural beauty treatments have been gaining traction in recent years due to their numerous benefits compared to synthetic treatments. From coconut oil to tea tree oil and spray tans and makeup – what makes these natural treatments so special?

Coconut oil is an amazing moisturizer that can help treat dryness, flakiness and irritation. Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which helps reduce acne or other skin problems. These oils nourish the skin and hair while also being gentle on it – unlike harsh chemicals found in traditional treatments! Plus they’re more affordable too!

Victoria’s Secret models recommend using natural beauty treatments regularly, however this should be done in moderation as overusing them can cause damage or irritation. Coconut oil and tea tree oil can be used daily whereas spray tans or makeup should only be used sparingly. By using these products moderately, you’ll get the best results without any harm coming your way!

In conclusion, Victoria’s Secret models rely on natural beauty treatments to keep up their stunning looks – from coconut oil to tea tree oil there’s something out there for everyone! Not only do they offer numerous benefits, but they’re also gentle on the skin and more affordable than traditional methods too! So if you want gorgeous looking skin like those VS models then make sure you use natural products in moderation for maximum effect!

Other Secrets—

It is important to keep a youthful appearance like a secret that needs to be safeguarded, and the Victoria’s Secret models have an array of tricks up their sleeves for staying beautiful. Adriana Lima swears by her grandmother’s coconut oil-based recipes, while Behati Prinsloo relies on natural oils and products to keep her skin hydrated and glowing. For makeup, they love dark eyeshadow shades to make their eyes stand out, as well as pastels for softening the look. Backstage tricks are also part of their beauty arsenal – glitter eyeshadow and multiple layers of makeup help them achieve the perfect look for each show. The Victoria’s Secret models have mastered the art of looking amazing with these secrets – from using natural ingredients to relying on backstage tricks – allowing them to remain beautiful no matter what.


Victoria’s Secret models have some of the most enviable looks that leave people wondering how they manage to look so perfect all the time. From their skin care regimens, makeup tips, diet and exercise routines, sleep and relaxation habits, beauty supplements, natural beauty treatments, and other tricks, their beauty regimen is complex yet simple. Ensuring healthy, glowing skin and lush hair, it is no wonder why these Angels make us swoon with envy.

It is an incredible feat that they are able to take part in a lifestyle that allows them to be as beautiful and as glamorous as we have seen them on the runway and in campaigns across the world. The Victoria’s Secret model’s beauty routine provides a glimpse into the lengths these ladies will go to maintain their perfect appearance, while at the same time giving us all some inspiration.

With their tried and tested techniques, anyone is capable of achieving similar results and feeling beautiful inside and out. All it takes is consistency, dedication, and a little bit of love.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much sleep do victoria secret models get?

Victoria’s Secret models, in particular, have to sleep at least 8 hours a day in order to look their best when they model the lingerie brand’s glam pieces. This means that Victoria’s Secret models require eight hours of sleep per night to stay in optimal shape.

Which victoria secret model has disabilities?

Sofia Jirau is a 24-year-old Puerto Rican model with Down syndrome and is Victoria Secret’s first-ever model with disabilities. On February 17, 2021, she made her big reveal via Instagram, writing in the caption: “I once dreamed about it and worked for it — today, it’s a dream come true.”

This is a major milestone for the fashion industry, as it is the first time a model with disabilities has been featured in a major campaign. It is a sign of progress and inclusion, and a reminder that everyone should be celebrated for their uniqueness.

Which victoria secret model has the best body?

Out of the Victoria’s Secret Angels, Adriana Lima is thought to have the best body according to various industry experts. Her remarkable commitment to fitness and diet make her a truly admirable role model to millions of people around the world.

How much do victoria secret models make a year?

Victoria’s Secret models are highly paid in comparison to other fashion models, earning approximately $100,000 to $1 million dollars a year. This estimate includes paychecks from photo shoots and interviews, as well as promotional and public event appearances.

Who is the 25 year old victoria secret model?

Sofia Jirau is paving the way for inclusion in the modeling industry. At just 25 years old, the Puerto Rican model is the first person with Down Syndrome to land a contract with perennial fashion powerhouse Victoria’s Secret.

Her work proves that talent and beauty can exist in unexpected places.


Georgia Willow

Georgia Willow

Hi there, I have been writing blogs for a couple of years now, focusing on lifestyle, health, travel and decoration.

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