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8 Essential French Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin

8 Essential French Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin

Have you ever wondered why French women always look so flawlessly beautiful? Sure, genetics are a factor, but there’s also something more to it. Learn the secrets behind glowing French skin with this list of 8 essential beauty tips from France.

From double-cleansing and skin hydration techniques to top makeup tips – get ready for your most glowing complexion yet. The best part? Implementing this tried-and-true routine won’t take much time or effort at all. Get ready to reveal the hidden secrets of gorgeous French skin!


natural cosmetics, cosmetics, flower

French women have perfected a beauty routine over centuries that is still highly sought after today. Healthy, glowing skin is the cornerstone of their approach and they take skincare seriously, seeking out quality (and sometimes expensive) products and sticking with what works. French pharmacy beauty products are coveted in the industry for their minimalistic, hypoallergenic formulations that are perfect for sensitive skin types – Collosol Eau de Lait, Avène Eau Thermale Facial Mist, Caudalie Beauty Elixir and Payot 24+. Glaçon Eye Roll being some of the most popular. These products help to prep skin before makeup application as well as keep it hydrated during summer months and refresh dark circles.

A good skincare regimen should focus on keeping your complexion hydrated, restoring it from environmental pollutants and sun exposure damage while protecting against harmful UV rays. French women prioritize skincare over makeup so they usually begin their morning routine with cleansing followed by moisturizing then end off with a night cream or serum. Exfoliation is also important, but should be done no more than once or twice weekly. It’s essential to be aware of ingredients in your products too; French soaps often contain fewer components than body wash while pharmacists can assist you in finding the right product for your type of skin. Blotting papers are great at reducing pollutants which layer over your face throughout the day too!

Finally, don’t forget about taking care of your body! A good French body cream specifically designed for extra dry skin will help keep it happy and hydrated all year round! By following these tips you can enjoy beautiful healthy looking skin plus achieve an effortless French beauty look complete with red lips & simple makeup!


brush, purse, makeup

The French approach to makeup is all about keeping it simple and accentuating natural beauty. Unlike elsewhere, French women don’t cover their faces with foundation, but rather use makeup to enhance their features for a refined look. The goal of French makeup is to create an air of “je ne sais quoi” that focuses on self-care and highlighting the best version of yourself.

A typical French routine consists of few steps – concealer, tinted moisturizer, mascara, and lipstick are usually enough. They often opt for lightweight BB creams or cover-ups for a natural look and carry mascara in their purse to keep their eyes looking bright. Red lips are reserved for special occasions but worn with a clean face; other than that, they focus on subtle enhancements like curling eyelashes or swiping on lip balm.

When it comes to products, French women prefer those with natural ingredients such as shea butter or castor seed oil over harsh chemicals. Celebrity makeup artist Patrick de Fontbrune recommends using concealer where necessary instead of foundation for a more authentic look while rose blush can be used to add some color without being too bold. To show lifestyle, they might smudge eyeliner or dab off lipstick – small touches that make all the difference!

At the end of the day, when it comes to achieving a French aesthetic with makeup, less really is more! Focus on yourself, not your makeup, and use cosmetics only as an enhancement tool so you can reflect your best self – this is what makes up true French beauty secrets!

Hair Care

oil discharge, coconut, coconut oil

The French have a unique way of styling their hair, and it begins with the key to achieving their aesthetic: leaving it natural and unstyled. To achieve this look, one should opt for minimal styling and air-drying their hair instead of using a blow dryer. For people with straight or wavy hair, sleeping with damp hair in loose braids or a top bun is a great way to get that chic look without the use of heat.

When it comes to hair products, it is important to avoid silicone as it can build up and leave hair looking dull and lifeless. Nuxe Huile Podigieuse is popular among French women as it nourishes and softens the body and hair. Hair masks, leave-in conditioners, and a good haircut with a little dry shampoo are also great ways to give hair extra shape and body. Klorane’s Oat milk Shampoo and Christophe Robin Volume Shampoo Paste with Rassoul Clay and Rose Extracts are some of the most popular French dry shampoos. They have been best-selling for a long time.

Finally, to get strong, healthy and shiny hair, it is important to avoid washing it too often, as this can strip it of its natural oils. A great alternative is to use a dry shampoo, such as Klorane Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk, to give hair volume and absorb excess oil without water. People with coily and curly textures can give their hair bounce without overusing heat. A curl-defining cream and a microfiber cloth can help. These will dry the hair as much as possible before you need to use a blow dryer.

These hair care tips are an essential part of the French beauty routine and are important French beauty secrets to keep in mind. Following them will help you achieve that je ne sais quoi we all strive for and will make sure you look your absolute best!


perfume, flacon, glass bottle

When it comes to French beauty, perfume is an integral part. Iconic brands like Yves Saint Laurent and Chanel have become synonymous with chic elegance. To ensure the scent lingers throughout the day, a small amount should be sprayed behind the ears, on the back of the neck and wrists. Even when traveling, spritzing your suitcase with perfume can help keep clothes smelling fresh at destination.

Chanel No. 5 is a timeless classic that never goes out of style – perfect for both special occasions and everyday wear. For something more daring, Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium adds an edgy touch to any look. A simple way to make an ordinary moment extraordinary? Spritz some French perfume onto your wrists before letting down your hair or dab it on the back of your neck for extra potency during embraces!

In conclusion, French perfume is essential in elevating any beauty routine – whether you prefer classic scents or something more daring! It’s sure to make every moment feel special.


Exercise is an essential part of any French beauty routine. Regular exercise helps to improve skin health by increasing blood flow, which helps to get nutrients to the skin cells. The French are famous for their commitment to staying in shape, and they incorporate regular exercise into their everyday routine. One example of how the French stay in shape is opting to walk to destinations instead of taking the metro or a taxi. This allows them to get light exercise in without having to set aside time specifically for it. This can be done by walking around centreville and climbing stairs in buildings. Regular exercise has numerous benefits for skin health. It increases blood flow, which helps to bring nutrients to the skin cells. Exercise also helps to reduce stress levels and improve overall wellbeing. French women often incorporate face massages into their exercise routines, which helps to stimulate circulation and promote healthy, glowing skin. The French have several unique ways of incorporating exercise into their everyday lives. By following some of these things the French do, you too can benefit from the healthy, glowing skin that exercise brings.


yogurt, fruit, blackberries

France is known for its beauty secrets, like eating croissants, drinking red wine and having that je ne sais quoi glow. The French diet is renowned for its ability to promote health, beauty and glowing skin. Integrating the same foods as the French into your diet can help you look and feel your best version.

The French diet consists of whole foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and moderate amounts of red wine. It is important to note that the French diet typically excludes sugary foods such as cookies, ice cream, cakes, and chocolate. The type of food French women consume provides essential nutrients to their bodies and skin, giving them a glowing complexion and shiny hair.

Red wine has been found to fight acne-causing bacteria and free radicals, both of which are damaging to the skin’s health. Red wine also has the added benefit of reducing inflammation within the body, which in turn leads to a healthier complexion. In addition, studies have also shown that red wine consumption can help promote heart health.

In conclusion, the French diet is similar to a Mediterranean-type diet, which is known for its health benefits. Eating healthy, nutritious foods, and avoiding processed foods, will help you achieve glowing skin, shiny hair and a healthier lifestyle. The French diet is full of beauty secrets that can help you get the most out of your diet and attain the best version of yourself.


self-care, health, relax

French women believe that beauty is not just about how you look on the outside, but also how you look waking up in the morning and after a shower. To achieve the classic French beauty look, leave one button on your shirt unbuttoned or have some hair strands out of place. To get the effortless French girl beauty look, don’t share products, drink water, and get plenty of sleep. French girls take health seriously and often spend their days at a real spa being cared for and pampered.

To give yourself a spa day at home, take a bath and use natural beauty products, like a face mask or exfoliating scrub. It can be beneficial to have a morning routine that helps you care for your skin each day and stick to it. Sunday is a national day of rest in France, and it’s a great time to take a break and take care of yourself mentally and physically. Taking a self-care day has numerous benefits, from improved health and complexion to increased self-confidence.

Using a humidifier can also be beneficial, as it adds water to dry air, which can help keep your skin healthy and naturally radiant. Make sure to use quality skincare products and follow beauty tips that help you achieve flawless skin. Eating healthy and exercising regularly can also help you maintain glowing skin. So, make sure to set aside some time for yourself and create an everyday routine that includes self-care.


In conclusion, the French beauty routine may seem intimidating, but it is actually quite simple when you break it down. Skincare and makeup are all about minimalism, natural products, and accentuating a person’s individual beauty. Hair care should focus on using natural products and avoiding silicone to help build a healthy foundation for shinier, more voluminous locks.

Regular exercise in combination with the traditional French diet of fresh produce, whole grains and the occasional glass of red wine can lead to better skin health overall. Self-care is also key—French women take time to pamper their bodies and minds, creating an inner and outer radiance that comes from taking proper care of oneself.

By following these essential French tips, you’ll be well on your way to having beautiful, glowing skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to have french beauty?

If you want to achieve French beauty, take the right diet and skincare seriously, keep your makeup natural, rock a bold red lip and signature fragrance, and always treat yourself. Bonjour!

What is the french girl aesthetic?

The French girl aesthetic is an iconic yet effortless style that has become a fashion trend around the world. It’s all about creating a relaxed look with natural beauty, timeless basics, and a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’.

In other words, it’s the perfect blend of sophistication and casual.

How can i look more french?

If you’re looking to dress more like a French woman, invest in timeless, quality clothing; mix casual and dress-up pieces; discover new brands; stick to neutral colors; get the perfect cut; and keep your accessories minimal.

A simplistic look is the key!

How can a lady maintain her beauty?

To maintain her beauty, every lady should take good care of her skin. This includes drinking enough water, adopting a CTM skincare routine and using products with the right ingredients, along with exfoliation, sunscreen and under eye cream.

Facials and face masks can also be helpful tools to keep looking and feeling beautiful.


Georgia Willow

Georgia Willow

Hi there, I have been writing blogs for a couple of years now, focusing on lifestyle, health, travel and decoration.

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